Managed hosting enables companies to rent dedicated hardware and place the administration in the professional hands of a dedicated contact person at our company. This saves you time and resources and allows you to concentrate fully on your core business.

As an official Proxmox hosting partner, we offer virtualisation hosting via Proxmox VE – powerful, cost-effective and scalable. Benefit from effortless configuration and fast access, while your virtual infrastructure is always optimally protected.

Our storage-on-demand concept is flexibly scalable and tailored to your needs, minimising your costs. Open interfaces offer seamless integration, and with triple redundancy, your data enjoys maximum security.

Our cybersecurity specialists have developed managed firewall concepts to ensure that your company network is always optimally protected: A protective shield for your network – as a complete service.

We take over the GDPR-compliant provision and management of Nextcloud. Your data remains in our Frankfurt data centres and meets all legal data protection requirements.

Host your virtual and dedicated Windows instances in our highly available data centres. You will benefit from our high security standards and your entire IT infrastructure will have a cost-efficient and modern home with us.