Working Students and Interns

Theoretical knowledge from your studies forms a strong foundation, but practical experience in the profession is equally essential. Together, they allow you to apply your knowledge and develop real competencies.

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Practical experience is crucial for your success

To find out during your studies what exactly you enjoy and what you want to do afterwards, you should gain practical experience during your studies – either through an internship or as a working student.

Working students support our various teams in all departments in handling diverse tasks. They not only take on routine activities but can also, depending on previous experience, participate in projects or independently lead smaller projects.

Of course, for your work, you will receive not only the appreciation and recognition of your colleagues but also attractive compensation. Bring in your ideas and celebrate the small and big successes with us, with the best conditions:

What we offer you

We advertise positions for working students or internship opportunities through our job portal. If we don’t have anything suitable advertised, you can also proactively call our Match Makers or send an email with a meaningful resume to our HR team at

Step by step: Our getting-to-know-you process

Want to know in advance what to expect during the selection process with us? Here you’ll find all the important information about the process.

  1. Have you found a suitable working student position or internship offer with us? Then apply with your meaningful resume through our career page.

  1. Our Match Makers will review your application within 7 days and contact you if they have any questions.

  1. You will receive our feedback no later than 2 weeks after applying.

  1. In an initial online meeting via Teams, we'll have an informative chat for about 45 to 60 minutes. We'll discuss the job requirements, our expectations, as well as compensation and your wishes.

  1. If we jointly decide to deepen our exchange, you'll get the opportunity in the next step to get to know firstcolo and the team through a trial day.

  1. If it's a "Perfect Match," we'll make you an offer and send you a draft contract for preview.

  1. Once all questions are clarified, we'll send you your new internship or temporary employment contract and look forward to working together!
  1. In preparation for your first day of work, you'll receive an individual onboarding plan about two weeks before your start, covering the first weeks and months.

  2. This way, you'll be well-informed about what to expect.

  3. Your future HR colleagues are always available to answer all your questions.
  • Now it can begin. Your first day awaits you with an exciting program: After a general company overview, you'll be equipped with your necessary IT.
  • Afterward, you'll receive an introduction to the topics of work safety and data protection.
  • The first day ends after you visit your new team once again.
  • To help you get oriented quickly and have everything you need, you'll regularly meet with your manager. In these feedback sessions, you can adjust the onboarding plan if necessary and keep track of what you've already learned and where there might still be a need for training.
  • From time to time, colleagues from HR will check in with you, during a walk or over a drink, to ask how you're doing.
  • About two weeks before the end of your probation period, you'll have certainty that everything fits.
  • A letter confirming your successful probation period is then just a mere formality!

Our Match Makers and Culture People

Not sure if we could be a good fit for each other? Let’s find out in a conversation. Just give us a call or send a message – we look forward to hearing from you!


Head of HR

Languages: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Tel: +49-69-120069-285


HR Manager

Languages: 🇩🇪 🇬🇧
Tel: +49-69-120069-274

Bild eines Hundes, des Wellbeing Managers von firstcolo


Languages: woof!
Tel: +49-69-120069-0