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In our Download Center, you’ll find case studies, white papers, certificates, and our General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for easy downloading.
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Growth and Security through IT Migration
Financial service provider Giroxx needed a future-proof IT infrastructure that keeps pace with the start-up's growth and meets BaFin regulations. With tailored managed services, firstcolo supported Giroxx in building a high-performance IT landscape.

Holistic Data Management
Medical technology manufacturer HASOMED masters the increasing complexity of the market with the holistically managed Kubernetes cluster in the firstcolo data center, thus continuing to create high-quality software solutions for its customers.

30% Revenue Increase at StorageBase
StorageBase, a provider of web services, relocated its IT infrastructure to a firstcolo data center, increased its revenue by 30% through the optimally equipped infrastructure, and offers its customers a sustainable, growing business environment.

5-Point Checklist: Data Security in the Company
Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data poses challenges for many companies. Our free 5-point checklist helps to check the status of data security and meet GDPR requirements.
[Document only available in German]

Virtualization Solutions as an IT miracle Tool?
Virtualization enables efficient use of hardware resources through VMs and increases cost efficiency and fail-safety of IT systems. Data center operator firstcolo offers versatile virtualization solutions. Read more about advantages and application possibilities in our white paper.

Agile Data Center: A Best Practice Guide
Online retailers and digital service providers need to decide whether to manage their IT resources internally or outsource them. Data centers need to adhere to high security and data protection requirements. What are the arguments in favour of outsourcing and what should be considered when selecting a data center provider?

ISO 27001
Frankfurt data centers of firstcolo are ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified
• Continuous compliance and further development of the information security system along the entire value chain

• Globally recognized, provides strict security standards for credit card data
• Protects online retailers and end customers from fraud
• Secures transactions in the financial sector

100% Green Energy
• firstcolo data centers are powered 100% by green energy
• TÜV Süd certified green energy, sourced from mainova AG, Frankfurt

ISO 9001:2015
• Effective quality management system
• Optimized, transparent processes

TÜV certified DC Level 3 AOC
• Highly available data center 24/7
• Redundant technical systems, reliable power supply
• Complies with legal data protection requirements

TÜV certified DC Level 3 Werkhaus
• Highly available data center 24/7
• Redundant technical systems, reliable power supply
• Complies with legal data protection requirements

ISO 27001
firstcolo's data centers in Frankfurt am Main have been successfully certified according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard, with particular emphasis on the continuous compliance and further development of the information security system along the entire value chain.

firstcolo has the globally recognized PCI-DSS certification, which ensures strict security standards for the processing and storage of credit card data to protect online retailers and end customers from fraudulent attacks and to ensure secure transaction processing in the financial sector.

100% Green Energy
The power supply of firstcolo's data centers is 100% from green energy. This is sourced from the Frankfurt energy provider mainova AG and is certified by TÜV Süd according to the requirements of the "VdTÜV Basic Guideline for Green Energy Products" of the Energy Information Sheet 1304 Version 10.2014.

ISO 9001:2015
firstcolo has an efficient quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015. All processes were analyzed to identify potential for optimization. The certification demonstrates clearly defined business processes and the ability to continuously adapt to customer needs.

TÜV certified DC Level 3 AOC
The data center is certified as a "TÜV-tested data center level 3", confirming a highly available 24/7 operational level. The certification includes, among other things, data protection, IT baseline protection, energy supply, risk minimization, and a reliable data network.

TÜV certified DC Level 3 Werkhaus
The data center is certified as a "TÜV-tested data center level 3", confirming a highly available 24/7 operational level. The certification includes, among other things, data protection, IT baseline protection, energy supply, risk minimization, and a reliable data network.

Our General Terms and Conditions (GTC)
Here you will find the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of firstcolo GmbH. Our GTC regulate the essential points of our business relationships and serve as the legal basis for all services and products.