firstcolo Opens Additional Data Center in Frankfurt

The new Data Center R3 of firstcolo GmbH is directly connected to the existing AOC data center, thus expanding the capacities for high-quality data processing.

Ready for the Next Step

Frankfurt/Main, January 10, 2023 – It’s not without reason that Frankfurt am Main is often referred to as the capital of data centers. A high concentration of these data repositories finds perfect conditions here at the world’s largest internet exchange DE-CIX.

In Germany’s largest data metropolis, another data center is now opening its doors to companies from various industries with a total capacity for up to 5,000 server systems. With the commissioning, the provider and service provider for data center and cloud solutions, firstcolo, completes the final project phase.

“The new Data Center R3 is directly connected to the existing AOC data center, thus providing additional capacity and expanding the possibilities for comprehensive, high-quality data processing as well as the development of redundancy concepts”, comments Jerome Evans, founder and managing director of firstcolo GmbH. “With the now completed construction project, we are responding to the ongoing boom in the colocation market and continue to see great growth potential. 30 percent of the space has already been sold to future customers before commissioning.”

Full Power, Low Consumption

In terms of colocation, efficiency is at the top of the agenda. “With power outputs of up to 15 kilowatt-hours per rack, firstcolo’s new data center achieves a PUE value of 1.25”, Evans reveals. However, the required energy should not only be used as efficiently as possible, but also come from sustainable production. “In addition to using 100 percent green electricity, R3 relies on modern cold aisle containment, which strictly separates cold and warm air to avoid energy loss”, explains the expert. Cold air streams enter the server rooms through a raised floor, while waste heat escapes separately to the outside.

As a result, additional air conditioning units prove redundant, creating space savings that can be used for more colocation racks. The operators can respond appropriately and very precisely to even the smallest temperature changes thanks to the modern cooling technology. “The R3 data center is also well prepared for possible failures with a separate emergency power generator – ensuring continuous operation”, Evans continues. In addition, the company wants to offer potential new customers economical electricity prices.

Anything But Standardized

Every company needs an individual strategy for internal data management. Needs-based concepts can be realized in firstcolo’s new data center through competent support from idea to implementation. Through direct connection to various cloud providers, users no longer need an additional backbone network, allowing them to benefit from very high availability.

The best possible network connection is also ensured by the exclusive use of Tier 1 carriers, as these bundle bandwidth across different locations through a global network presence. A surveillance system that is active day and night ensures optimal security for servers processing sensitive data. Biometric access controls guarantee that only authorized personnel can access the data center.

“R3 sets high standards in the areas of fire protection and security, thereby minimizing risks to the maximum extent”, explains Evans. In combination with high connectivity and power density, while considering strict sustainability criteria, Data Center R3 meets all quality criteria that will be essential in the future.

Jerome Evans

Jerome Evans ist seit über 15 Jahren in der IT-Branche tätig und gründete das Unternehmen firstcolo GmbH. Er ist verantwortlich für den Aufbau und Betrieb von Rechenzentren und zunehmend auch für Cloud-basierte Serverinfrastrukturen. 

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