From a Kid with a Vision to the World of Data Centers

Jerome Evans, founder and CEO of firstcolo GmbH, tells in the series “SELFMADE” how he built his own company, what drives him, and what challenges he had to overcome.

Jerome Evans to be seen in new series “SELFMADE” on Prime Video

Frankfurt, October 10, 2023. At just 15 years old, Jerome Evans, founder and CEO of firstcolo GmbH, started his first online business in his bedroom while still in school. Today, he provides IT infrastructure for DAX companies and more. In the new series “SELFMADE” with journalist and producer Leonard Geßner, he talks about how he built his own company, what drives him, what challenges he had to overcome, and what his grandmother has to do with his success. In the first season, available for streaming on Prime Video since September 8, Geßner speaks with unique entrepreneurs like Saygin Yalcin, Julia Bösch, and Sebastian Mastalka about their stories, looks behind the scenes at companies like “true fruits”, and conducts the first interview in years with the founding trio.

Important Coin Flip Decision

What makes a good investment? How do you keep a cool head in online poker? What mindset characterizes a good entrepreneur? And who inspired him to support the construction of several school buildings in Ghana? All these questions are answered in the sixth episode of the new interview series, set in London. Moreover, the Frankfurt-based entrepreneur with Bremen roots tells how a coin flip decision brought him his first and decisive windfall for the future. All under the guiding question of the series: What distinguishes successful entrepreneurs who have managed to build a company on their own?

More at or directly to the video on Prime.

Jerome Evans

Jerome Evans ist seit über 15 Jahren in der IT-Branche tätig und gründete das Unternehmen firstcolo GmbH. Er ist verantwortlich für den Aufbau und Betrieb von Rechenzentren und zunehmend auch für Cloud-basierte Serverinfrastrukturen. 

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