Our Data Center AOC | Hanauer Landstraße in Frankfurt am Main

Each of our in-house data centers in the Rhine-Main area meets the highest quality standards to guarantee you smooth operation of your IT infrastructure.

AOC Data Center in immediate proximity to the world's largest internet exchange DE-CIX

Our AOC Data Center is located in the midst of one of the highest concentrations of IT companies in Hesse, in immediate proximity to the world’s largest internet exchange DE-CIX.

The neighborhood is characterized by design-oriented companies, exclusive furniture stores, car dealerships, marketing firms, advertising agencies, a mixed development with predominantly multi-story business and office buildings, but also by spacious commercial areas and residential buildings with many quiet oases and green spaces near the Main river. Although – apart from the European Central Bank – the Osthafen still dominates the appearance of the area, service industries with national and international clientele have largely displaced the former industrial operations.
There is very good transport connectivity with parking facilities directly at the property.

Accent Office Center (AOC)

Our first data center location is housed in the Accent Office Center (AOC) building. The available space capacities are excellently suited for the secure accommodation of your complete corporate IT, individual IT projects or dedicated enterprise servers. You can reach the premises via a passenger or freight elevator. You have a noise-protected assembly room available for testing purposes. Lockers for brought-along property and a generously stocked warehouse with all spare part components and tools greatly facilitate your preparatory work.

Greenfield data center: Secure capacities now

With a PUE value of 1.2 and up to 24 MW total power, our new data center in the Frankfurt area meets the highest performance and sustainability standards.

Advantages for firstcolo customers

Schriftzug Made in Germany auf transparentem Hintergrund

Fully redundant design

Our data center at the AOC location is a tripartite data center (R1 R2) in adjacent building wings with separate cooling circuits, separate fire compartments, and colocation areas totaling more than 1,800 square meters.

Highest quality and security standards

Our entire IT infrastructure is fully redundant and meets the highest quality and security standards. By maintaining sufficient personnel and component capacities, we are able to implement even large IT projects at short notice. Outsourcing IT services is therefore a contemporary and worthwhile alternative to your own server room in your business decision.

Green IT Hosting

More information about the hardware used and the equipment in our data center can be found below. We offer green IT hosting for our customers, as well as the latest technology and highest security for your data.


Our high security standards were also verified at this location by TÜV Saarland in the area of infrastructure and by TÜV Rheinland in the area of information security. The data center is certified according to Level 3 and the entire company according to ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 by the strictest auditors.


Fire protection

Power supply

Cooling and ventilation systems

Case Studies

Growth and security through IT migration

GIROXX is successful with a cost-efficient and high-performance platform solution

Comprehensive data management by firstcolo

HASOMED relies on a holistically managed Kubernetes cluster in the firstcolo data center

Cost savings through IT infrastructure relocation

StorageBase achieves a 30 percent increase in turnover by relocating its IT

Free consultation

Our technology is first-class, innovative, and meets the highest standards. However, our services only become distinctly “premium” through our dedicated, highly trained team. From the very beginning, you receive personal, expert consultation and support for your specific requirements.