When AI Meets the Cloud

Generative AI is shaping cloud computing, as the infrastructure provides a flexible and scalable platform for its development and deployment. It is particularly suitable for processing large amounts of data.

What influence does artificial intelligence have on the future world of work?

Frankfurt, May 7, 2023. It composes texts and designs illustrations using simple voice commands and based on deep learning – an artificial neural network modeled after the human brain. The possibilities seem almost unlimited. “Generative AI can no longer be labeled as a science fiction fairy tale, but on the contrary, it tangibly influences the real world. It drives digital advancement forward with revolutionary force”, says Jerome Evans, founder and CEO of firstcolo GmbH.

The metaverse, as the tech industry’s vision of the future, is also taking shape under the influence of AI. Thus, in cloud computing, the next phase of digital business is being driven by emerging technologies such as generative artificial intelligence (AI), Web3, and the metaverse, as companies explore new paths. According to Gartner’s latest forecast, global end-user spending on public cloud services will increase by 21.7 percent to $597.3 billion in 2023 – up from $491 billion in 2022 (Source: Forecast: Public Cloud Services, Worldwide, 2021-2027, 1Q23 Update).

Seizing Opportunities

For many companies, the use of AI-as-a-Service is already part of everyday life. The cloud offers tailored AI services – for example, high flexibility in providing memory, computing power, and storage. AI services are booked via a dedicated dashboard, and companies are only charged for the resources they actually use. In addition, very powerful GPU computing capacities can also be rented.

“If companies want to better protect sensitive data, they can also use hybrid deployment with private and public cloud. In this case, business-critical data is stored in the private cloud, while the resources and algorithms for processing the data come from the public cloud”, the expert explains. In addition to these options, public cloud providers also offer sophisticated cybersecurity measures and high availability that smaller data centers usually cannot provide.

If a company from industrial production wants to avoid unplanned downtimes of its machines and detect malfunctions early, for example, artificial intelligence provides support. Using so-called training data, the AI solution learns which data patterns describe the basic state of the machines. This later allows the detection of deviations in the patterns that lead to malfunctions.

Benefiting from Advantages

Although the use of AI technology often still seems like distant future music in discussions, its influence is already unmistakable today, particularly in terms of mobility. The combination of big data, AI, and cloud technology helps mobile employees work more productively and contributes to a better employee experience. “With easy access to customer information and data analysis on mobile devices, and routine questions answered by chatbots, employees navigate more quickly through the flood of available information and focus more on personal interaction with customers and partners”, Evans explains.

It is clear, then, that future generations of employees will act more productively, flexibly, and customer-oriented in the future. “The challenge for leaders in companies is now to keep pace with the rapid advances in the use of AI technology in the workplace in order to benefit from the associated advantages”, the expert concludes.

Jerome Evans

Jerome Evans ist seit über 15 Jahren in der IT-Branche tätig und gründete das Unternehmen firstcolo GmbH. Er ist verantwortlich für den Aufbau und Betrieb von Rechenzentren und zunehmend auch für Cloud-basierte Serverinfrastrukturen. 

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