firstcolo: Data Centers and IT Solutions in Frankfurt/Main

At firstcolo, we offer you reliable IT management services with globally low latencies strong backbone – all from a single source. You can optionally use our data center spaces in Frankfurt on Main with private caging, cloud services, or storage and backup solutions.

Absolutely sustainable: Powerful, resource-efficient, and energy-efficient IT solutions

Powerful, resource-saving, and energy-efficient

Our Frankfurt on Main locations are TÜV-certified high-availability Tier 3 data centers, offering a guaranteed uptime of 99.999%. In addition to customized data center and IT services, we provide a range of managed services, including remote hands, managed hosting, and storage solutions. These services help you save time, reduce costs, and minimize effort, allowing you to focus entirely on your core business.

Our innovative IT solutions at firstcolo enable you to manage valuable resources such as energy, money, and time efficiently while taking a big step towards sustainability.

Greenfield data center: Secure capacities now

With a PUE value of 1.2 and up to 24 MW total power, our new data center in the Frankfurt area meets the highest performance and sustainability standards.

firstcolo offers a secure and economical home for your data and applications

A secure, economical home for data and applications

Looking for reliable and successful IT outsourcing? We’ve got you covered! As a cutting-edge provider of certified data center services, we ensure the future-proof hosting and operation of IT systems and infrastructures. With certified performance and tailored services, we deliver solutions perfectly aligned with your needs. Our service portfolio includes:

firstcolo: Our experts behind the technology

At firstcolo, we leverage cutting-edge, innovative technology that meets the highest standards. At the heart of our success is our highly skilled team. From day one, you’ll receive comprehensive, personalized advice and support tailored precisely to your needs.

Advantages for firstcolo customers

Schriftzug Made in Germany auf transparentem Hintergrund

Instant Setup

Immediately usable and highly available space
for your infrastructure.

Flexible and scalable

Our offer is based
on your needs.

GDPR Compliance

Your data is secure and always optimally protected.

Colocation and server housing

When it comes to your data, we focus on maximum security. For this, we offer:

Dedicated Server

Our high-quality dedicated servers are exclusively available for your applications.

Cloud Services

All data from our firstcolo cloud solutions is hosted in our certified and secure data centers in Frankfurt am Main.

Certified data centers and processes at firstcolo

ISO Certifications

The data centers of firstcolo are successfully certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and have an efficient Quaity Management (ISO 9001:2015 standard).

TÜV Certification

The data centers in Frankfurt on Main are simultaneously certified by TÜV as "TÜV certified data center level 3".

Data stays in Germany

All your data is hosted on servers in Frankfurt on Main. Storage is, of course, GDPR-compliant.

Free consultation at firstcolo

Are you curious about which solution best fits your company? Then it’s best to schedule an appointment for a personal consultation with firstcolo today.
Our experts will work with you to develop a data center solution tailored to your company’s needs.

Case Studies

Growth and security through IT migration

GIROXX is successful with a cost-efficient and high-performance platform solution

Comprehensive data management by firstcolo

HASOMED relies on a holistically managed Kubernetes cluster in the firstcolo data center

Cost savings through IT infrastructure relocation

StorageBase achieves a 30 percent increase in turnover by relocating its IT

Grow together with firstcolo!

You’re a real team player, bringing curiosity and passion for technology? You’re in the right place with us if you value a collegial atmosphere, can take on responsibility, and want to go the extra mile for our customers together with us. Can we count on you?

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IT Outsourcing is the Future of Data Management

Companies today face the challenge of managing their IT infrastructure efficiently and securely. IT outsourcing offers a solution to master this task. In this article, we show why IT outsourcing…

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Expert tip on IT infrastructure!

How companies can keep their IT afloat in economically difficult situations.

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